How many times have you wished for balance in your life? I used to ask, no pray, for balance. “Please just help me feel more balanced” or “If I could just get a little more balance in my life!” What I didn’t realize is that my perception...
Last week, I was feeling a strong pull to add more meditation into my day, and the lizard starts its familiar conversation. “I don’t have time ! I want to meditate more, but I can barely get everything done as it is.” Then I remembered a...
I was laying on the coach in my apartment, in pain. My head hurt more than I’d ever experienced before, like a knitting needle being stabbed in my right eye. All I wanted was darkness and silence to help deal with the migraines. Still, I needed to go to class...
Meet Rebecca
I believe the body has wisdom because it gives us signs and symptoms that are the messages we need: nutritionally, energetically, and emotionally.
I believe food is medicine and energy can heal.
I believe when we are in touch with spirit guides and nature, life gets way easier.
I believe that loving ourselves is a way to heal our bodies and our minds because the inner critic-- leads to dis-ease (and despair).
I believe in you.