Hi- I'm Rebecca

I am a professional speaker, coach, and author. My vision is to help overthinking and overworking busy professionals easily ditch the inner critic, so that they can regain energy, find balance, and enjoy life.
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About Me

I was sick for many years mostly because overworking and overthinking led me to be one stressed out graduate student. I thought stress would end when I finished my double major with a Masters in Speech-Language Pathology and PhD in Experimental Cognitive Psychology. No surprise, the stress continued on while earning tenure and serving administrative positions. 

I had to change- so I reversed the stress, high cholesterol, migraines, IBS, anxiety, and PCOS with lifestyle changes. It altered my life so dramatically, that I pointed my research, teaching, and speaking career to integrative wellness, using modalities such as mindfulness, yoga, nervous system regulation, and other forms of wellness. 

I founded Centered Living and wrote Whole Body Upgrade, to show other busy professionals how they could have more energy and less stress- without being miserable. They could feel better too- and actually enjoy life. 

I spend my time hiking and working in Athens, GA with her husband, two active boys, and a furry co-worker, Rocket. Most weekends include watching my teenage boys run super-fast in running competitions!


Wellness and leadership coaching to find balance and wellbeing in a client’s personal and professional life. Includes individual evidence-based practices such as nervous system regulation and mindfulness to  increase resilience and work-life balance.

Schedule a free consultation call to see how working together can help you stop overworking and feeling better. 

Professional Development Workshops and Trainings

Customized virtual/in-person  workshops and trainings to support educators and busy professions. These workshops and trainings provide valuable and practical skills  to create a culture of wellness and wellbeing.

  • Leading from Wellness: Effective strategies when things are burning down around you
  • Wheel of Wellness: Foundational Self-Care and Wellness Principles
  • Mindfulness for Less Stress and More Well-Being
  • Nervous System Regulation Techniques: Fast (and Effective) Relief for Stress and Anxiety

Meet Rebecca-

I’m an author, integrative life and wellness coach with over 20 years in both academia and healing. After my master’s in speech-language pathology,  master’s and PhD in cognitive psychology, I researched mindfulness, cognition, and wellness. I believe that today educators, academics, and busy professionals need a holistic perspective to reversing stress, burnout, and wellness. I speaks to groups and organizations on practical, easy, and evidenced-based ways to be well, and have less stress and anxiety.

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