The Science of Coaching

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens. – Carl Jung I was on the phone with a fellow coaching buddy, trying to make sense of straddling the two worlds of science and coaching and...

The Wink

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the light within me/us/everyone, and about what Tosha Silver writes in “Outrageous Openness” (which is fabulous) regarding surrender to the divine. When things are tough, or when you are indecisive or just plain...

Clear the Fear- 8 steps to Freedom

As you may know, I’m finishing Martha Beck Life Coach Training. We had a training call schedule with Martha Beck for one of the classes and I innocently submitted a question. See, I’ve always tried to be a ‘good student’ and submit questions....

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