I know so many people (myself included) with a very loud and critical voice in the head, shouting bad advice like, “You are not good enough!”  The gloom and doom voices that tell us we have to be a certain way or do something spectacular to be loved or valuable. At the university where I teach, some of the students believe that voice is telling the truth. Yes, sometimes we believe the critical voices in our heads. We believe it and then we wonder why we are unhappy.  Because it is true, right??


Horsepucky. Nonsense. Hooey.


Guess what? The voice in your head telling us we have to be a certain way or the world will end? It comes from what Martha Beck refers to as the lizard, and we don’t have to believe it. We don’t even have to listen to the critical voices. Why?


Because you are worthy. Because you were born and therefore you deserve better. You are valuable and you don’t have to do one single solitary thing to prove it. You are enough.


In this brief video (2:48 min) I talk about how we are all enough.


How do you remember that you are enough? I’d love to hear in the comments below or join me on Facebook or Instagram.  Sending you love and light.

Peace and Enough-ness,


ps- I have a new offering staring next week!  Serenity Spot– A 30 minute massage for your mind starts Monday October 26th at 12pm ET. Learn more or sign up here.

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