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Whole Body Upgrade: A Centered Wellness Approach to Restoring Your Health and Vitality

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A New Perspective on Wellness

Whole Body Upgrade started as an online course, to do the powerful work to change beliefs, release old patterns, and frame a new perspective. This experiential book will focus on your health, so you can feel better, have more energy, and get back to holistic wellness.

The secret ingredient: Energy

Our culture doesn’t take energy into account. The Energy Wellness Body often holds the secret ingredient to clearing patterns. When old energy is cleared, you can be fully in your own essential energy. When you are in energetic integrity, all the other problems start to fall away. 

An untended parts: Emotions

Inside of each one of us are younger parts who need love and attention. By learning to listen to and be present for yourself, emotions that are stuck begin to move and flow. This clears out the emotions that get stuck in your body and shows up as physical pain as well. 

The hidden parts: Soul Essences

When you’ve experienced traumatic events, soul essences can go into hiding until things are safe. The shamanic practice of soul retrieval is a beautiful part of shamanic coaching. It will leave you feeling grounded, whole, and complete. 

Becoming the watcher: The Mind

The brain has amazing ways to keep us safe, and one of them is the negativity bias. Unfortunately, this often appears the critical voice in the head (that voice that always FEELS like it is part of us, but is super mean- and hint- it actually isn’t YOU). When you begin to watch that voice in the head and learn to redirect your attention to the kind, loving, compassionate part of yourself, the game changes. 

The keeper: Body

The body is the keeper of wisdom, memories, and an amazing communicator. Often we just haven’t been taught to listen. By learning to listen to the sensations in the body, you build a relationship to yourself that is strong, loving, and meaningful. It’s the way to heal trauma, and rewire your nervous system to heal your emotional and physical challenges. 

Meet Rebecca-

After years of my own struggles with health issues, I finally found the root problem(s). It wasn’t one thing, like I thought it might be–it was actually a system of things that needed to be addressed. It wasn’t just the physical body that needed care, it was the emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual bodies too. 

Now I’ve taken what I’ve learned to help other women who experienced challenges in health and wellness, to heal and trust themselves.

I’m a certified life coach and yoga instructor, mindfulness instructor, Reiki Master, shamanic practitioner, and a lover of nutrition. I’m a health and wellness coach, a scientist, and a recovering stress addict. I believe that the fusion of these healing modalities is where health begins.

You don’t have to wait to feel better. You can start now.

Ways to Work With Me


Not sure what's to choose?

You can decide what program works for you at this time. 3 months of support? A Place to Rest Community? Sometimes reading about the options can be confusing. Let’s find the right fit for you-  schedule a free chat today.

Schedule a Free Chat

The best way to find out if this is for you is to schedule a free chat. I offer a 20-30 session where you can tell me what you are dealing with and where you’d like to be. I’ll tell you honestly if/how I think shamanic coaching  can help you, and if not I’ll make suggestions to other individuals that might be a better fit.  



Get Started

Let’s get you from where you are to where you want to be. Schedule a free chat or request a free recording of a Rest Session. If you are ready for community,  join A Place to Rest Community. Don’t listen to the voice in your head that says you are too busy, or when this project finishes. It will never feel like the right time.

The right time is always now. 

3 Month Shamanic Coaching + Healing Package

You know that thing you’ve wanted? The one you’ve been thinking about and wanting to do? And yet, you keep NOT doing it? 

It feels like a rope wrapped around your waist,  holding you back. Every time you try to go forward, it’s like one foot is on the gas, one foot on the brake. 

Therapy and coaching are helpful, but it doesn’t seem to dissolve that thick rope or release the brake.  You stay stuck no matter what you try.

There is a reason why. There are parts of you that need attention for old patterns and beliefs to be cleared and unhooked.

Then- the rope and  brake are released. And you are free. 

Let’s chat- you, me, and the spiritual guides. Your energy will be cleared, patterns released,  and direction restored. 


More Details

Underneath is all is the root of the problem:

A nervous system that’s been working overtime to keep you safe. A younger part of you that’s afraid she’s not good enough and is working overtime to prove she is worthy. The energetics of our past, through our families, and our ancestors.

Together with my guides, let’s get to the root of the problem to clear years of pain and suffering and replace it with love and understanding.

Schedule your free chat to see if working together is a good fit. 


You will receive

  • 3 months of compassionate support, including 6 individual Zoom sessions (every other week)
  • Individualized support for your challenges
  • Shamanic, emotional, energetic, physical, and mental healing lead by the guides
  • Pre-work questions to get your energetic body aligned before our first session
  • Email/Voxer access in between sessions
  • Energy healing and clearing between sessions 
  • Access to Everyday Mindfulness, a 4 week mindfulness course for incorporating stillness strategies in your life ($39 value)
  • Access to Whole Body Upgrade, a 8 week course to move from exhaustion to wellness ($350 value)
  • Grounding and centering practice to heal your energy body
  • A guided, deep relaxation technique to reduce stress, heal inflammation and rejuvenate your body.
  • A guided mindfulness meditation to further release any residual stress in your mind and body.
  • Reiki mp3s to amplify healing 

A Place to Rest Community

Three out of five adults are experiencing burnout RIGHT NOW. This typically includes emotional exhaustion, physical symptoms like headaches/migraines or digestive issues, and feeling numb.

The good news is that there are things that can help you recover and find relief.

Listen friend- please don’t wait one more minute. It’s time to shift the narrative that working ourselves to death (literally) is ok. I am deeply disturbed that tis is our normal here in the US.

It’s time to feel better. 

More Details

The problem with this is it doesn’t take the actual human being into account. You are exhausted and burned out. Even getting dinner on the table feels like a huge task.

You may think you can’t do one more thing, and yet, who is going to do all the things that have to be done?

Everyone needs something from you and you can’t seem to find time or space for yourself.

If only you could turn off the constant requests for your time and energy. You’ve tried saying no, but the “To Do” list seems to multiply at night.

You may even have health problems that no one seems to understand.

What you really want is REST. SPACE. TIME.

You have permission to rest.

You don’t have to keep doing, pushing, and striving.
You can set it all down and rest.
You can listen to what your body, mind, and heart need right now.
Even though it may be hard to believe,
You can rest.

Still Have Questions?

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