If you’ve been following me on Instagram or Facebook, you know I’m pretty excited about using mindfulness in your everyday life. Why am I so excited? Because it works. I’ll give you an example from my own life that I shared on my newsletter. Things...
Want to give up sugar? Sugar. It’s everywhere. As a society, we have a love-hate relationship with sugar. We love to eat it (it tastes so good!) but we don’t like the results of eating sugar. We want to give up sugar, but don’t know how. Lately, I’ve...
Last week, I attended a mindfulness retreat at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. After 3 days of mindfulness, meditation, coaching, sending loving kindness into the world, holding compassionate space for others, and discussions of helping and healing others, I fell...
Last week, I was feeling a strong pull to add more meditation into my day, and the lizard starts its familiar conversation. “I don’t have time ! I want to meditate more, but I can barely get everything done as it is.” Then I remembered a...
Meet Rebecca
I believe the body has wisdom because it gives us signs and symptoms that are the messages we need: nutritionally, energetically, and emotionally.
I believe food is medicine and energy can heal.
I believe when we are in touch with spirit guides and nature, life gets way easier.
I believe that loving ourselves is a way to heal our bodies and our minds because the inner critic-- leads to dis-ease (and despair).
I believe in you.